Part 1 Setting Up the Rails Api
February 20, 2021
In this part, we'll be setting up Devise (partially) and then we'll set up a CORS policy, configure active storage (local for now) and set up our model relationships.
Part 2 Creating the React Frontend and Adding Groups
February 23, 2021
In this part, we'll create the react application, add react router, tailwindcss and give our users the ability to view a list of the groups stored in the API and create new ones as well.
Part 3 Adding Events and Serializers for File Uploads
February 25, 2021
In this part, we'll be adding additional routes for Events and adding serializers so our /groups/:id endpoint will return group data and all of the group's events as well.
Part 4 Adding Redux to the Application
March 3, 2021
In this section we'll convert our GroupsIndexContainer and GroupShowContainer to use redux
Part 5 Reduxification of Forms
March 9, 2021
Complete the reduxification of our container components by connecting our forms to the store and adding validations with displayed error messages.