DLM Tutorials

Devise Jwt Api Only Mode for Authentication

January 26, 2023

This tutorial outlines how to configure the devise-jwt gem to provide JWT based authentication using the devise routes. It outlines a method for testing out the API using fetch requests to the provided endpoints with sample code, example results, and usage instructions.

ruby on rails devise jwt devise-jwt authentication rails api rails 7 ruby 3.2.0

Intro to HTML and CSS

April 1, 2021

Learn HTML & CSS, how to manage spacing between elements and modify colors, sizes and manage images within your own codesandbox based website.


React Redux Auth for Use With Rails Api With Devise Jwt

March 11, 2021

React redux authentication frotend to go along with my Rails Devise JWT backend tutorial.

react redux rails api devise-jwt higher order components local storage

Rails Api Active Storage File Uploads

February 18, 2021

Learn how to use Active Storage to handle file uploads for a Rails API only application.

Rails API Active Storage File Uploads

Postgresql Setup on Ubuntu WSL

January 6, 2021

How to set up PostgresQL on Ubuntu WSL so you can use the 'pg' gem for a rails project

postgresql wsl ruby on rails

How to Add Active Highlight to Table of Contents

January 6, 2021

Learn how to use requestAnimationFrame to smoothly animate Table of Contents Links in the sidebar of a post so that the link to the section that's currently active will be highlighted as a user scrolls through the post.

hugo scroll events javascript es6 requestAnimationFrame

Hugo and Tailwind CSS tutorial

December 12, 2020

Installing Tailwind CSS with PostCSS in a hugo application. Learn how to configure tailwind postprocessing to style code blocks, headers and more. We'll also cover how to add ES6 modules to a theme using JSBuild.

Hugo TailwindCSS PostCSS Clipboard API ES6

Beginner Hugo Tutorial Based on Giraffe Academy Series

November 29, 2020

My notes from the Giraffe Academy YouTube tutorial series on how to build static sites using the Hugo framework


Keep working in the woodshed until your skills catch up to your taste.
If you'd like to get in touch, reach out on LinkedIn.